Stay Safe and Keep Your Skin Healthy

The reality of Coronavirus is that masks will be necessary for the foreseeable future. Not only can it be hard to breathe, wearing a mask for an extended period of time can trap moisture, sweat, and oil next to your skin, which can result in breakouts, inflamed hair follicles, irritation, and redness.  Understanding how to keep your skin healthy and looking good under this new normal is important.  Below are 7 things you can do to stay safe and keep your skin glowing and free from irritation.

  1. Whenever you can, wear a cloth mask
    Cloth masks are appropriate for most community members, other than front line healthcare workers. Cloth masks are better for the environment that disposable masks, and the disposable ones are made of material that can irritate the skin. So for those with rosacea, dermatitis, or other skin conditions, it’s best to try and steer clear of disposable masks when possible.
  2. Wash your mask daily
    Yes, I know it’s a pain, but you don’t want to put a dirty mask on clean skin. So purchase several and keep them clean regularly.
  3. Consider not wearing make up in the area that your mask will cover
    A clean face will survive the moisture and heat better than one covered in makeup. And when you remove your mask for the day, wash your face as soon as you can. I even recommend using a toner or gentle cleanser at some point during the day to keep oil and dirt buildup to a minimum.
  4. Reduce breakouts
    Make sure that you wash your face daily with a cleanser that contains salicylic or glycolic to help remove dead skin cells and clear pores.
  5. Moisturize
    Dry skin is more prone to irritation, adding a light moisturizer with hylauronic acid, will add protection against the friction caused by masks.
  6. Special Skin may require special care
    For those with skin conditions like rosacea or dermatitis, using a nighttime moisturizer that helps to repair your skin barrier in the mask coverage area is a good idea. Several that we suggest are Avene Cicalfate, our NCS RestoreB or Lasercyn spray.
  7. Everything in moderation
    If you can safely do so AND maintain social distancing guidelines, give your face a “breather” and remove the mask for small amounts of time throughout the day. Just be sure to wash your hands before removing your mask.

If you are having trouble with your current skincare routine or don’t have one, our aestheticians can help

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